Visitors to the UMFK.EDU website are important to us. UMFK.EDU does not record personal information about you without your permission. UMFK.EDU collects only the information needed to create an efficient electronic gateway for public information.
UMFK.EDU automatically collects some information when you look or search through our web pages. It is collected for statistical purposes only. We use the information to make our site easier to use. We do not use it to identify you personally. The information collected includes the following:
UMFK.EDU does not ever automatically collect information like your name, address, email address, or phone number. Be aware that in order to complete some services you may need to provide personal information. Supplying this information is voluntary.
UMFK.EDU uses Google Analytics, which mainly uses first-party cookies to report on visitor interactions. These cookies are used to store non-personally identifiable information. Browsers do not share first-party cookies across domains. We do not use or place spyware on your computer.
Any information you supply during the completion of an online form will be considered voluntary. This information will be treated the same as any provided in person during a visit to the university system office or a university. It may be necessary to share this information with other departments or universities for proper handling.
Unless specifically protected under federal or state law, any information provided may be inspected by the public or disclosed. Please refer to 1 MRSA § 401 et seq for more information on public records and under what circumstances it is released.
If you find something that is out of date or wrong please contact the UMFK.EDU webmaster. Do not include any sensitive data, such as your personal information, when you contact us to correct data inaccuracies. The secure transfer of this type of information will be arranged later if necessary.
To offer comments about the UMFK.EDU website or this Privacy Statement, contact the webmaster at
This policy is derived from the privacy policy for the University of Maine System.