Conduct scientific research with a faculty mentor or intern at a hospital, medical facility, or other agency.
Move right into a career or continue on to earn a Bachelor's degree.
In field projects and internships, you’ll gain extensive real-world experience working with both professional foresters and landowners.
Prepare for such careers as forester, forest technician, forest ranger, GIS specialist, and more.
Conduct scientific research with a faculty mentor or intern at a hospital, medical facility, or other agency.
Articulation agreements with nearby graduate institutions allow our graduates assured acceptance or early admittance to many programs.
Work closely with a faculty mentor or intern at a police station, medical facility, or other agency.
The Associate of Arts degree program are career-oriented moving you right into a job or allowing you to easily move on to earn a bachelor's degree.
You will have a broad range of internship opportunities including placements like state and local community social services, mental health agencies, crisis centers, senior care facilities, corrections facilities, or probation and parole, among other options. Many of our students complete their internships in their home towns where they want to begin their careers, which often leads to job offers before they even complete their internship.
Our program is designed to provide a foundation for careers in the behavioral health field which includes counseling, social work and rehabilitation. Our program also prepares you for advanced study if you are interested in becoming a Clinical Counselor, Clinical Social Worker or for graduate study in Psychology.
Conduct scientific research with a faculty mentor or intern at a public research lab, within the Biotech industry or at a state or federal agency.
Be prepare to continue your studies in graduate and professional schools or for careers including teaching, technical, and field positions.
Apply the business management theories and practices you learn in your courses at real companies throughout Maine and beyond.
Acquire in-demand business skills and knowledge to pursue positions in management, entrepreneurship, finance, and more.
Acquire on-the-job experience at top companies, start-ups, government agencies, and more.
Master the skills needed for a career in software engineering, database administration, or systems management.
Conduct scientific research with a faculty mentor or intern with a state or federal agency.
The combination of education and experience will provide graduates a competitive edge for employment and advancement in a multitude of professions to include those of game warden, forest ranger, wildlife biologist, park ranger, forester, police officer, state trooper and many others
Besides internships, you’ll take part in mock interviews, trial prep, and crime scene investigations.
Prepare for such careers as game warden, marine patrol, state trooper, sheriff deputy, and many more.
Student teaching is the capstone component of the teacher education program. It is a time when students are guided into challenging new identities as beginning teachers.
Partnerships with area schools promotes professional development. Students achievement is at the heart of the professional development school (PDS). The PDS offers a variety of advantages including a year long internship for student teachers, school-university research projects, collaborative activities across curriculum content areas, and a shared governance system.
Work with a faculty mentor to design and execute an in-depth laboratory or field research study.
Be fully prepared for an immediate transition into a career or to pursue additional graduate studies.
Students complete a research-oriented seminar designed to integrate student’s prior knowledge and strengthen lifelong learning skills.
Students will be prepared for graduate-level study in social science or professional fields, as well as for careers requiring the ability to master a substantial field of knowledge, research issues credibly, and write effectively.
Clinical learning experiences take place in a variety of settings and geographic locations.
Upon completion of the program, you will be awarded a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in nursing and you will be eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN).