Brief Biography

I graduated in the Spring of 2015 with a Bachelor’s in Behavioral Science. During my time at UMFK, I was surrounded by a wonderful and efficient support system within the school. The classes were flexible towards my direct educational needs and allowed me to gain experience in the field, as I was able to obtain a full-time job before graduation. My teachers and advisor worked alongside me to support my graduation in 3 years instead of 4, which allowed me the ability to fulfill my goal of furthering my education within a Master’s Degree program in Social Work. My experience as a UMFK student would not have been the same if the faculty and classes would not have been as supportive as they were. Being a part of the UMFK alumni community is certainly an opportunity that I am often thankful for. This degree has allowed me to follow my passion and find a career that I truly am engaged and successful in. UMFK has graciously continued to allow me to be part of their active community by sitting on the Behavioral Science and Social Science Advisory Council, which supports my continued interest in the field, but also helps further education for the upcoming students in the program. I am beyond proud to say that I am a UMFK graduate.