Paw Point Raffle Week


Have you attended any events this semester and written your name down on the sign in sheet? Come to student affairs to redeem your paw point raffle tickets! 8 AM -4:30 PM. Drawing for prizes will happen during Late Night Breakfast day/time TBA.

National Jelly Bean Day


Stop by student affairs and pick up a pack of jelly beans in honor of national jelly bean day! While supplies last. 100 paw points 

College Summer Send Off

Please join Res. Life in Nadeau Teleconference in helping students plan their summer away from UMFK, helping with storage units, managing long distance relationships, and how to plan for the next academic year.

Cheer Practice

Please join Cheer Club for weekly practice Mondays and Wednesdays in CYR 205. If you are interested in joining, please contact

Social Hour

Please join Res. Life in Crocker Common Room and enjoy karaoke, DIY blended mocktails, and games to enjoy a piece of summer before finals!

Cheer Practice

Please join Cheer Club for weekly practice Mondays and Wednesdays in CYR 205. If you are interested in joining, please contact

Charm Bracelets

Please join Res. Life in the Lodge Lobby to create friendship bracelets with a twist!

Cheer Practice

Please join Cheer Club for weekly practice Mondays and Wednesdays in CYR 205. If you are interested in joining, please contact

Take a Break!


Stop by Student Affairs for Coffee, Tea, or hot chocolate. While supplies last.

Cheer Practice

Please join Cheer Club for weekly practice Mondays and Wednesdays in CYR 205. If you are interested in joining, please contact